The latest news on the projects of the Per Fumum Endowment Fund for the year 2022

When perfumery blends with heritage, scientific research and contemporary artistic creation.

Since these are the missions of our endowment fund, it is our duty to translate them into concrete actions ; and our desire to make them accessible and beneficial to all.

Heritage & Perfumery :

For the first time and exclusively for Héritage(s), Dominique de Urresti and Bénédicte Tourdjman, the two daughters of perfumer Paul Vacher, confided in their father’s life in the perfumery. isappeared in 1975, he created perfumes for Lanvin and Christian Dior. His constant quest for excellence and respect for traditions is also reflected in his commitment to the creation of his perfume house: Le Galion. Paul Vacher was also the mentor and collaborator of his daughter Dominique. Paul Vacher was also the mentor and collaborator of his daughter Dominique.

We are therefore happy to count this unique testimony for Héritage(s). We hope that, thanks to your generosity, we can soon reveal it.

Contemporary artistic creation & Olfaction :

On October 5, 6 and 7, the symposium Création & Recherche olfactive, (act 1) took place: practices and professions in mutation organized by Anne-Charlotte Baudequin (doctoral student and sensory designer) and Emilie Bonnard (doctor in olfactory design), brought together 90 people a day. It brought together numerous protagonists (researchers,

artists, designers, psychologists, historians, perfumers, etc.) to exchange and

discover olfactory research and projects, most of which were multidisciplinary If you missed it, you should know that the presentations will be available in replay on demand from 2023.

Scientific research & Smell:

On the scientific research side, Erwan Poivet, member of the Perception & Memory unit at the Institut Pasteur, gives us news about the Covid-related anosmia study undertaken after the first containment two years ago. Among other advances, the research team has collected enough data to compare the olfactory evoked potentials (PEO) of patients with olfactory disorders with those of patients with intact smell. The results so far, in terms of olfactory and trigeminal response, are consistent with the scientific assumptions of the international community. This first observation confirms the Institut Pasteur’s view that the track taken is a good one and positions the Institute with this study as the only one in France to use this technology in anosmia cases. 

As for the CEOS project, which will follow up the study by questioning the relationship coma and smell, it was evaluated by the ethics committee (CPP IdF Necker II). A positive return to this evaluation is a prerequisite for the launch of the pilot study that will begin with the first 20 patients at Sainte Anne’s Hospital.

On the CLIO project, Moustafa Bensafi, neuroscientist and research director at the Centre de recherche en neurosciences de Lyon, sheds light on it. Indeed, this experiment questions the complex relationship between genetics and food behaviour, through the perception of a molecule very commonly used in the perfumery and food sector: bêta-ionone. The project was launched in October and this year’s end is dedicated to the implementation of the experiment. The experimental phase will begin in February 2023. 

While waiting for 2023, why not take advantage of the preparations for the end-of-year celebrations to try out the delicious recipes in the book “la Cuisine des nez”, which is available on our website for free.

The Per Fumum Endowment Fund is happy to share the progress of the projects at the end of this year, which augur exciting discoveries for the new year. 

We invite you to follow all these projects on our website and their news on our Instagram @fondsperfumum

Also don’t miss the opportunity to support the Per Fumum Endowment Fund in its missions by making a donation. All the answers to your questions via

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