
Happy New Year 2023!

The Per Fumum Endowment Fund wishes you all the best for a fulfilling and meaningful year.

May it be the best to each of you in this new year, which is also an opportunity to thank you for your interest, support and loyalty.

In 2023, we will continue to mobilize in the service of our sense of smell with the studies of researchers from the CNRS and the Pasteur Institute who are questioning the complex relationship between the brain and the sense of smell on the one hand, and genetics, cultural heritage and the perception of odours on the other. These studies, which began in 2022, are now in the experimental phase. News of the projects to follow.

Soon you will also find on our website, the replay of the Colloquium Research & Creation in Olfaction. This is an opportunity to see, or re-watch, the speeches of the researchers and historians invited especially for this event.

“It seemed important to us to show the richness and diversity of olfaction productions, while questioning research, as well as its forms of transmission and dissemination,” said in unison the doctors in olfactory design Émilie Bonnard and Anne-Charlotte Baudequin, during the October colloquium at their initiative.

As for the Héritage(s) saga, it will be further expanded with new precious testimonies for the construction of this heritage work of the history of perfumery. These will be added to the interviews already available in excerpts on our website or in long version on request here.

Finally, this year is the opportunity for us to study new requests for support. A tab is available on our website from 1 January to 31 March to welcome new projects.

You can find all our news on our website www.fondsperfumum.org and on our Instagram @fondsperfumum. You too can get involved by making a donation here. All your questions can be answered at contact@fondsperfumum.org.

Category: Uncategorised
Posts created 93

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