Launch of the first Parfum scholarship in collaboration with the BnF
This month of March sees the launch of the first Perfume Fellowship set up with the collaboration of the BnF _ Bibliothèque nationale de France. For one year, the doctor in history Amaury Bernard, selected for this mission and whose portrait we will be soon revealed, will explore the archives related to perfumery and the history of perfume of this great institution.
He will survey and index the innumerable documents of all kinds related to perfume in the BnF over the 20th century in order to complete the cataloging of them.
The valorization of this immense work, destined to the general interest, will have the vocation to valorize this material and to make it easily mobilizable for the general public. The research of students and professionals in perfumery will thus be facilitated and will be enriched by these documents which were previously inaccessible.
By the time of this mission, the researcher will be supervised by two tutor-curators from different departments of the BnF institution on these two sites, thus ensuring privileged access to all existing archives.
To your projects!
For all those with projects related to perfume, olfaction or smell, until March 31, you can submit your requests for support to the Per Fumum Endowment Fund for its 2023 vintage. To do so, we invite you to visit our website in the Support Request section.
MARCH 2023
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